Why I AM running-
The problems facing
Los Angeles
The problems facing Los Angeles require two crucial characters of a civic leader, when faced with civic crisis such as what we have today in the City of Los Angeles. They are
1) focus and
2) persistence
Andrew has both.
Jobs and Opportunity
A wise person said the best cure for homelessness and crime is a job. Andrew will create “Economic Promotion Zone” in different, ethnically diverse parts of the city. This will be the centerpiece of Andrew’s administration. Loan assistance for small businesses, technical assistance and mentoring/training will be provided to nurture and encourage entrepreneurs and ingenuity. Small and medium businesses will have fighting chance against big corporations. For economically challenged areas in the inner city, Andrew will bring in large high tech and biotech and other ground-braking industries to take root within the inner-city areas to promote job creation and also to nurture overall vibrant creative activities within the inner-city areas. More jobs for our youngsters mean fewer opportunities for them to engage in anti-social behavior. Our City of Angels will be better prepared for the upcoming 2028 Olympics and will be showcased as a first class internationally renown beautiful city that it is.
Andrew will declare the State of Emergency on the first day in office. He will appoint a homelessness czar who will directly report to him. He will install 30,000 shelter beds within the first year, along with job training and mental health care for safety and dignity of homeless individuals. As it is commonly understood that 70% or more homeless people have drug and/or mental health issues, Andrew will increase anti-drug enforcement efforts by cracking down on drug dealers and criminals to make homeless population healthier and more manageable. Andrew will demand more funding and other assistances from Fed and State Government in getting people housed, fed, and off the streets. Andrew will expand Emergency Rental Assistance to provide emergency loans and rental assistance to prevent homelessness and drastically broaden the first-time homebuyer program with down payment assistance so that everyone will have a reasonable chance of achieving the hope and dream of having a home.
In addition, Andrew will hire 300 mental health and addiction caseworkers and have them work with our Police and Fire units, create Mental Health Justice Center with goal of leading them to rejoin society as productive citizens and lead a collaborate effort to rid our streets of fentanyl and other highly addictive and dangerous drugs. Andrew will call on faith communities to join in the effort to solve this inhumane tragedy of our time. Andrew will remove tent encampments and enforce quality of life laws for safer and cleaner Los Angeles.
Public Safety and Crime
Andrew supports the recall of George Gascon. Andrew will enforce the laws that are in the book, including the misdemeanors. Andrew supports community policing model and mentoring and after school programs to nurture positive role models for young kids. Andrew will promote job training for young adults through available programs in community colleges and tech schools. Andrew will enforce anti-loitering and vagrancy laws. He will deep clean our streets and neighborhoods with additional 300 sanitation workers.
Andrew will ensure safe streets for seniors with enhanced penalty and punishment for crimes against senior citizens. Andrew will support enhanced gang intervention programs and local church’s effort to help and guide youngsters.
Corruption in the City Hall
Andrew will institute top to bottom audit, cut wasteful projects, employ outside investigations and overall demand accountability for every dollar spent.
Why Choose Me
Within First Few days
Declare the State of Emergency
Creation of Economic Promotion Planning Department
Appoint homelessness czar
Why Choose Me
Within First Year
Hire 300 mental health and addiction caseworkers
Install 30,000 shelter beds
Job training and addiction and mental health care for homeless
Institute top to bottom audit of city hall
Request outside investigations
Enhanced drug enforcement in and around homeless camps
deploy 300 more sanitation workers to deep clean our City
Offer job opportunities to move people off the street
Offer job opportunities to move people off the street—create job training apprenticeship program with local labor and trade unions
Temporary shelter
Draft plans to convert every city owned property either into affordable housing or temporary shelter—partner with the private sector to lower constructive costs and create incentives to get the jobs done faster and under budget.
Expand Homekey and Roomkey
Expand Homekey and Roomkey Project—these were COVID-initiated programs to deliver fast housing solutions to those experiencing homelessness. They worked.
Acquire Land for Housing
Acquire Land for Housing—Utilize the City’s borrowing power to purchase land for permanent housing and shelter needs.
Expand Emergency Rental Assistance
Expand Emergency Rental Assistance